Making your boss trust in you

Making your boss trust in you
A:         Hello! Tom. Can I be promoted to a higher position when I am always complex before my boss?
B:         Hi! Jerry. No, of course not. You cannot be complex like this. This will make you lose the good opportunity to be promoted to a higher position. You must not hide deeply in your heart all of your innermost feelings.
A:         So what should I do to reach that target?
B:         I will tell you this trick. First of all, must be happy and say “Hello” all the time with your boss and consider him as your normal colleagues.
A:         What is the second thing?
B:         Second, you should work hard, pay strong attention to your daily work, always look for new methods in working, have new initiatives, and accomplish or assignments.
A:         What is the third?
B:         Third is that when you meet difficulties or hardship, you should express your opinion bearing a creative solution to your direct boss or supervisor. Don’t be hesitated to do your work before your boss. Be firm and confident in your work.
A:         Why don’t I have to be afraid of my own boss? Can you tell me the reason?
B:         Because your boss or supervisor is also a Man not Evil who can eat your flesh or suck your blood. You must be straight and brave to speak out your idea, but not crazy!
A:         What does it mean the word “Not Crazy”?
B:         Somebody becomes crazy, for they look down on their boss when they know well their boss’ mood. This is a very dangerous move which leads you to the daily job-loss.
A:         Is that very important for my future behavior?
B:         Right, you must not create a tense atmosphere. You should think about the compliment of your boss. Create and advantageous atmosphere in the exchange of ideas. You should have unique idea and standpoint. You must correct your mistakes right away and don’t let your boss remind you again and again. Be confident, brave in speaking but not arrogant or you will get the opposition result.
A:         What is the last advice I need to remember for the whole of my life?
B:         That is creating the trust in your boss about you. Lose trust – lose job!


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